
Hi everyone! This is the last post for English 3 in this blog, so I’m gonna try to tell you about this experience and what I learned during the course.     When I started the blog’s post write in English was very difficult –because i didn’t remember structures or words and I had forgotten many things related with this language– and especially because writing about myself, about what i think in many topics was difficult for me. But with time, little by little, It became easier. The topics in each new post were very interesting, because I could think about many things that I never had thought in this language. For example, never before I wrote about sociology in another language that wasn’t Spanish. It’s the same about books, websites or about special moments. Thinking about it, it’s the first time in many years that I was obliged to write in english, (the last time was when i was at the school) and I had realize that learn, speak and write in english is necessary to become
Hello everybody! Today I’d like to tell you about this photo because it’s very important for me. But, for you understand it I tell you about my dog. Her name is Lili and i love her so much. Lili arrived to my house when I was fourteen years old.  One day, when I went out I saw a nice dog in the street and I tried to call her to draw her attention but it didn’t work so I went on my way. But at night, when i was home my dad had made it. My mom doesn’t like animals but in that moment she was in Arica, so with my dad we adopted this dog. The veterinary told us Lili was around five or eight years old and she didn’t have a nice life with her previous owner: she was so shy, skinny and she had lost the most of her teeth. With time and love we noted that Lili began to improve significantly and from that day I think she’s been happy. This dog is an important part of my life and my family. Today she’s too old and sick so I don’t think she will live long. That’s why this photo is ve
Hello everybody! Well, today i like to tell you about the pages or website i usually visit on the internet. The truth is the most I often visit are from Facebook because for me is easily than use Google. So, on Facebook I see pages about famous artists and entertaining meme’s websites as “classical art memes” I visit pages about politics and news too, as “El Desconcierto” Another kind of pages that I often visit is about library as “Biblioteca de Santiago” or “BiblioGam” because sometimes their views are so interesting.  I like to see pages about clothes in facebook too, because it’s really cheaper than malls, for example. So I follow in Facebook “ventas tumblr y vintage <3 (we heart it)” and a cool internet website “Tienda Autumn” One of my favorite’s pages is “Cine Arte Normandie” because its movie showtimes is really good https://www.face
Hi! Today I’m going to talk about an issue that I feel needs addressing in the next administration. This issue is related with the problem that the teacher wrote in her blog. Today I went to the “Second parliament of the book and word” and I could see many problems there. The speakers talked about reading´s  problem in Chile, especially in the primary school but also in general; about problems related with the books that teachers must to teach and evaluate according the educational curriculum designed; about the competition between editorials and the expensive price of books. Moreover they about the difficult working conditions where writers are immersed and the problems with the copyright. Finally they talked about the educational work and the civil society’s role there. It seems ironic that Chile is in the first place on Pisa ranking's test in Latin-America and a lot of researches indicate that in this country people don’t understand what they read. The speakers p
Hello everyone ! Well, today I’m gonna tell you about a special walk that I have done. In the summer of 2011 I went with my best friend –María– to Puerto Dominguez. This place is part of the IX region in Chile, and it’s a magical place!. I traveled to this town, because María was born there and her family lives in some little Islands of Budi Lake. María descends from mapuche ethnic group, so the people who put us up, was mapuche too. It means that i could know better their beautiful culture. Everything started when we arrived to Puerto Dominguez in a very old bus, then we crossed on a boat to the first little island. This island and the lake were very beautiful; there were many trees and animals that I ever seen before. The house’s entrance was very nice too, how you can see in this photo. Then i knew Clarita, who was a very nice woman, our host.  The house’s entrance was very nice too, how you can see in this photo. Then i knew Clarita, who was a very ni

Something about me

Hello everybody! My name is and I am a student of Sociology.  What can I say about me? Well, a like my career a lot and the little things of life. I have a dog and her name is Lili and is a very old dog. Lili has companied to me ten years of my life, but when she arrived to my house, she was already old. I have a cat too, and her name is Simone, but we also call her Gatiuska, in honor of a youtube character. I love these animals, they are really important for me. Apart from that, I really like nature, especially trees. I love to see their branch in the sky with the different types of clouds and sky’s colors. When the sky is light, dark or brilliant blue, but also when it is pink, orange and white. But i love it more when accompanied by a cup of tea.   Thanks!