Hi everyone!

This is the last post for English 3 in this blog, so I’m gonna try to tell you about this experience and what I learned during the course.    

When I started the blog’s post write in English was very difficult –because i didn’t remember structures or words and I had forgotten many things related with this language– and especially because writing about myself, about what i think in many topics was difficult for me. But with time, little by little, It became easier.

The topics in each new post were very interesting, because I could think about many things that I never had thought in this language. For example, never before I wrote about sociology in another language that wasn’t Spanish. It’s the same about books, websites or about special moments. Thinking about it, it’s the first time in many years that I was obliged to write in english, (the last time was when i was at the school) and I had realize that learn, speak and write in english is necessary to become in a good sociologist, but above all else, I noticed that learn a new language is a very interesting experience because a complete world is living in there, another way to comprise and signify reality.  

For these reasons I can tell you that I did like writing in this blog, I learned a lot and I’m sure that this experience has helped to my professional career. About my classmates’ blogs, was a good experience too, I could knew what they think about different topics. I remember one post in particular, because it was about tea and I love tea too! So my companion and I could share the joy for the same thing. It was so cool!. About the negative aspects, I don’t know because I really did like it. 


  1. I agree with your idea… a world and a reality lives in a language

  2. I also could not remember many things of English in the first blogs


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