Hello everybody!

Well, today i like to tell you about the pages or website i usually visit on the internet. The truth is the most I often visit are from Facebook because for me is easily than use Google. So, on Facebook I see pages about famous artists and entertaining meme’s websites as “classical art memes” https://www.facebook.com/classicalartmemes/. I visit pages about politics and news too, as “El Desconcierto” https://www.facebook.com/eldesconciertocl/. Another kind of pages that I often visit is about library as “Biblioteca de Santiago” or “BiblioGam” because sometimes their views are so interesting.  I like to see pages about clothes in facebook too, because it’s really cheaper than malls, for example. So I follow in Facebook “ventas tumblr y vintage <3 (we heart it)” and a cool internet website “Tienda Autumn” https://www.facebook.com/tienda.autumn/.
One of my favorite’s pages is “Cine Arte Normandie” because its movie showtimes is really good https://www.facebook.com/CineNormandie/. On Google I usually search the websites “El PaĆ­s” Latin-American and Spanish version http://elpais.com/elpais/portada_america.html. Well, finally a website that i visit frequently is Youtube https://www.youtube.com/ because I see a lot of different videos about music, movies, documentary, tutorial, etc. So, these are the websites I remember that I visit every day.
I like hear about which websites you visit too!


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