
Today I’m going to talk about an issue that I feel needs addressing in the next administration. This issue is related with the problem that the teacher wrote in her blog. Today I went to the “Second parliament of the book and word” and I could see many problems there. The speakers talked about reading´s problem in Chile, especially in the primary school but also in general; about problems related with the books that teachers must to teach and evaluate according the educational curriculum designed; about the competition between editorials and the expensive price of books. Moreover they about the difficult working conditions where writers are immersed and the problems with the copyright. Finally they talked about the educational work and the civil society’s role there.

It seems ironic that Chile is in the first place on Pisa ranking's test in Latin-America and a lot of researches indicate that in this country people don’t understand what they read. The speakers point the difference between Latin-America places and the rest of the world, because it´s a biggest difference that explains this inconsistency. 

The school is not a place that stimulates reading; actually this institution has worsened the problem. But also there is an issue with the public policy because doesn’t consider all the issue’s edges. Michelle Bachelet, the president of Chile, started a public policy in her first period called “Política nacional del libro y la lectura” but it didn’t generated results and it must to be continued in her second period as president. So, since 2015 we currently have a public policy about reading and books, but the speakers considered that government didn’t consider the different actor’s role in there. It’s certainly a good start, but is not enough to make that society learn that reading is a really important practice and we must also better ensure that writers and teachers have decent working and living conditions. In that respect I think that the next administration will must continue whit this public policy and improve it considering all the different actors involved. 


  1. Hi nuvia,
    I am so agree with this post, and i hope the people learn the enthusiasm for the reading.


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